Rev. Dr. Willie L. Weston Sr. is the Founder and Pastor of Hope Evangelistic Ministries International located in Chicago, Illinois. He celebrates 46 years of marriage to the lovely 1st Lady Evangelist Sherion M. Weston. Their three children, now raising families of their own, are all active in Ministry and the Pastorate. Their greatest feat is now to rear their four adoptive special needs children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

Rev. Dr. Willie L. Weston Sr. became a member of the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) in 2001. In September 2001, he was appointed an Ambassador of Peace. July 2004, the American Family Coalition of Illinois presented him the 2004 Excellence in Parenting Award. October 2004, he received the ACLC True Family Values Award. In 2005, he was appointed by the ACLC National Board the office of Co-convener of Chicago. In 2005, the World Christianship Ministries of Fresno, California bestowed upon him an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity as well as receiving another from Ramah Institute of Theology in 2008. In 2008, Dr. Weston was also named in the National Registry of Who’s Who.